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Faculty of Health Sciences

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Integrated Master Doctor Naturopathy Department

Certification Integrated Master Doctor Course

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For Living Scholarship: International and domestic students, graduates, and those in other fields interact on the same playing field.
Graduate students participate in professional organizations (the Japanese Society of Natural Medicine and Therapy) to share information and knowledge, exchange and engage in activities with United Nations agencies and international professional organizations.

WONM Graduate University Asia-Japan Campus


Certified Integrated Master Doctor Course

Advantages of Integrated Master Doctor Course

・It is possible to shorten the time until graduation

・You can continue your research project and deepen your expertise.

・Cost burden can be reduced.

・Increase the degree of freedom of specialization.

・Research and present at professional research courses and professional conferences.

Alternative Medicine Master Course from 2023
We will make it possible to replace the tasks of the Dr. Naturopathy Course.

Middle-aged and elderly preferred (Rethinking Life)

WONM Graduate University

Asia Japan

Certified Integrated Master Doctor Course


(Doctor Naturopathy Medicine​ )


(Research Master Naturopathy)

Integrated Master Doctor Course

​​Natural Medicine and Therapy Research Center


Integrated master doctor course

D.N.M. +R.M.N

(Career Development Special Course for Adults)

​Natural Medicine and Other Therapy Research Center

Students study the Master Course before embarking on writing their thesis. The master course component provides a significant accumulation of subject matter knowledge and research skills. Assist students towards advanced research that accompanies their dissertation.

In the case of an integrated master doctoral course, the master is called a research master.

In the case of an integrated master doctor course,

Only the Master Course portion will be evaluated, and the Doctoral Course will be evaluated based on the results of the thesis presentation (the project will be dictated).

Papers can be selected from the following fields.

Naturopathy(Natural & Naturopathic) Medicine
Alternative Medicine

International traditional medicine
Alchemical Medicine 

Natural Medicine from WNF's 1,400+ Tomes

​​​​Japanese List

select from

3 elective research

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WONM Graduate University Asia-Japan Campus

Professional graduate university for adults (general working adults)

Distance learning

Admissions as needed in 2024-25

Certified Integrated Master Doctor Naturopathy Department (Academics and Research)  
Total amount $680
Expected to accept 2-3 people per month​

Integrated Master Doctor Naturopathy Department

Dividable: 10,000 yen or 5,000 yen


As a United Nations Academic Impact Member and a United Nations NGO, we take into account your previous interests, self-study, hobbies, education and studies, regardless of gender, income, academic background, age, nationality or region. We work with leading organizations around the world to help you become a professional in natural medicine and therapy at your own pace.
For Living Scholarship: International and domestic students, graduates, and those in other fields interact on the same playing field.
Graduate students participate in professional organizations (the Japanese Society of Natural Medicine and Therapy) to share information and knowledge, exchange and engage in activities with United Nations agencies and international professional organizations.

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 Admission regulations   

Unlimited number of years of study: A minimum of 1 year master's degree and 2 years doctor's degree is possible.

Other: Priority given to graduates of the Certified Master Naturopathy Training Course. (3 subjects exempted)

*Please let us know if you have graduated from a naturopathy training school other than our school.

Applications will be accepted at any time from 2023.

Master follows the master course.

 Graduation examination 

The master is held at a Japanese school,
In consultation with our school, the doctor will

Evaluation and certification will be conducted at main our school (Taiwan).

Certification takes place at our school (Taiwan).

Dr.Richard Liao

Chancellor : WONM Asia University for Humanitarian Medicine

President of Asia, World College of Naturopathic Medicine for Humanitarian Medicine

 Vice Chancellor, Malaysia TCM College

Vice Chancellor of TCM College Malaysia


Select from the following areas for the issues faced by doctors

Naturopathy (Natural & Naturopathic) Medicine
Alternative Medicine

International traditional medicine
Alchemical Medicine 

Natural Medicine from WNF's 1,400+ Tomes

From WNF's 1,400+ Tomes

Japanese list

​3 elective research

 Tuition fee 

Whole course cost: 100,000 yen

3 subject elective research: Purchase textbooks by yourself: Amazon etc. for purchase method

We will contact you about how to purchase.

It is now possible to divide 10,000 yen and 5,000 yen per month.

​​Click here for payment method・

Professors in charge
Japanese School 
Professors in charge
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Professor  Sugiyama

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Professor  Yamamoto


Professor Jones


Professor  Bonamy

Professor  Kudo

Professional graduate university for adults (general working adults)

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医学系理学博士(アメリカ合衆国)、自然医学療法博士(カナダ)、代替医学研究哲学博士(インド)、バイオロジー科学修士、学士(アメリカ合衆国)、WONM Asia University Professor ボランティア教授(中国、台湾、マレーシア、シンガポール、日本校教授兼学長)University Of People 元ボランティア非常勤講師、医療系大学、看護専門学校非常勤講師歴任,医療専門学校,元臨床検査技師及び臨床工学技士。




UN NGO (Non-Profit General Incorporated Association) International Career Support Association and Japan Natural Medicine  Society

Japan Consultancy Corp.

Representative Director and Chairman

Member of the United Nations Agenda 2030 Project PCP team. CONGOJACE Officer, Church Center, United Nations Headquarters

Doctor of Science (US), Doctor of Natural Medicine (Canada), Doctor of Alternative Medicine (India), Master of Bioscience (USA), MBA Master of Business Administration (USA), WONM Asia University Professor Volunteer Professor (China, Taiwan, Professor of Malaysia, Singapore, Japan School and President) University Of People Former volunteer part-time lecturer, medical university, nursing college part-time lecturer. Former clinical laboratory technician and clinical engineer. Management and human resource development consulting company Previous position and current position.
Researcher specialized in overseas media such as natural medicine

After the successful isolation of a new type of microorganism at a university hospital in the Showa era, he was involved in private emergency medicine and was involved in the spread of hospital start-ups (3 cases), hospital M&A, drug discovery clinical trials, and transplantation medicine. About Japan in the 21st Century: Internationalization, personnel mobility, and medical diversification. Therefore, we have accumulated knowledge and experience from the bottom (including human resource development).

Regenerative medicine support consulting and regenerative medicine naturopathic personnel training courses offered.


 1995-2025 30th anniversary by UN-NgoICSA ( WONM Graduate University Asia Japan School)

UN(United Nations)-NGO ICSA&WANM
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